Urbe Viveret / locations: parks

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Southwest of the Acropolis, in the center of the city of Athens, is a hill of special and diverse beauty. Here, the natural and the artistic coexist in harmony and their imprint is traced to both historical and mythical times. Combined with Pnyx and the Observatory, the Hill of Philopappos, formerly known as the Hill of the Muses or Segion, now associates its name with Philopappos, a perhaps unknown citizen and lord of Athens. The majestic part of the grave monument - boulder, which dominates the top, not only did not overshadow the elegance of the classic constructions of Athens, but it was merged so is now, immersed in the delicate and incomparable beauty of the hill as an urban landmark. Through the architectural renovation of the last century, the hill became easily accessible to the public. A special ecosystem in the heart of a contemporary city, a place for rest and observation, a place that allows the visitor to escape - even for a while - from the everyday urban chatter.

Luckily, the pleasant and "magical" aspect of the hill remains open to everyone, hopefully, for quite some time to come!

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